Thursday, April 23, 2009

Time and Lack Thereof


Newton had his mathmatical, realist view of time as a flowing duration. Eistein had his special relativity view of space time fabric where past, present and future all exist simulataneously.

Then there's this thing, which just speaks for itself.

In their song "Time" the venerable Pink Floyd says,

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day,
you fritter and waste your days in a off hand way."

I have my own theory regarding a special condition of time, grant time. There's nothing realistic or especially relative about it.

E = do you know I have a deadline?! Please stop talking to me.

The past blurs, the present lingers breifly and the future looms. As deadlines approach the only thing flowing is angst. Conceptual differences boil, stomachs churn. Its quality time.

I think the most fitting circle of hell for grant writers is the 4th, which is dedicated to Hoarders and Wasters. Its very greed (remember grant writing is all about the Benjis) and squandering focused, which is all about - what? - time. The punishment here is heavy burdens, pushing boulders around for eternity. Nice. Reminds me of my main man, Sisyphus, pushing that rock up the hill. At least grant writers will be buff in the evermore.

Thanks Dante, I guess I'll be checking in for a few more days. Is a non-smoking room even an option in hell?

My boss is going to Spain. I went to Spain once, it was nice there. I didn't write a single grant during my visit. Hmmmm, Espana.

"And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking,
racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,
shorter of breath and one day closer to death."

Well, that's a real pickmeup Pink, thanks.

What am I doing? I don't have time for this.


Ryan and family said...

Easy Star All Stars does a wicked cover of that whole album -- "Dub Side of the Moon" -- and I recommend you waste some time finding it ;)

Courtney Hilton said...

Awesome it's like we work in the same level of hell. I'm the one pushing the Wal-mart rock. It's easier because it's made by children in china and lower quality so it's much lighter.