Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bike Karma

Karma is a beeotch.

Bike Karma is even worse.

I disturbed the cosmic balance by registering for Bike to Work Week but then not actually riding (GASP!)

I know, I know.

At least I didn't go and collect the freebie socks like I did commute. God knows what would have happened to me then.

Retribution starts 'round 'bout 8 a.m. I'm leaving for work (yeah, I sorta roll late like that most times). I realize my car keys are in Jackie's car and she's probably all the way to WDSM by now. Guess I'm commuting, and guess I'll be a little late for that meeting I was supposed to lead at 9:00. Change, cram clothes into Camelback. Go to pull my snazzy new 29er off the rack and BAM! flat tire. Debated on taking the cross bike, but doing Taco tonight so the ole' Yeti 26er is the ticket.

Ew, small wheels.

Ow, I put a cheap new seat on her in prep for sale ('Cuz my old one was blinged out with duct tape). I now know why it was in the clearance bin.

Arrive a little late, "lead" meeting sweaty still. Change into my work clothes for another meeting. Realize I forgot my phone and....underwear. Improvise.

Go about the rest of my work day. Feel unusually free, can't quite pin it down.

Jackie is good enough to pick me up early so I can go home, change the flat on the Voodoo and get some big 29" wheels under me for el Taco Ride.

Get to Taco late, just Nick is there, everyone else is at Banner. Forgot about the change in venue. Ah well, we ridin' aint we?

We ride, Denman's is nice. Start Squirrel's Nest and....SNAP! stick in rear deraileur, bike rendered unrideable and unfixable in the immediate term. Karma.


One day before my trip to Lanesboro and Decorah, where I was plannin' on doin' plenty o' ridin' on 29" wheels.


Oh, ah, hey Yeti, sorry about the "Ew" comment regarding your small wheels. Your wheels are fine, no really, some guys like small wheels....

Ok, that was just getting weird.

Bad Karma sucks.

Mariska Hargitay.

1 comment:

Justin said...

word to small wheels!