Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gutterhelmet Rocks the House

Deep down in Louisiana, close to New Orleans.
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens,
there stood a log cabin made of earth and wood,
where lived a country boy named Johnny B. Good
He never learned to read or write so well, but
he could play the guitar just like ringing a bell

Go! Go!

Okay, so my name is not Johnny (and I read and rite purdy gude, thank you vury mush). I don't live in a log cabin either, but I DO have dreams of rock and roll glory.

So, after much contemplation and careful research I've decided.....

I'm going to be a rock star.

I'm pretty excited, I think this career change will suit me well. The first phase of my rock star plan? Buy Guitar Hero of course (duh.)

The game lets you customize your rocker and pick a band name. My band is Gutterhelmet, look for us at a raucous venue near you. I hope I don't have copyright infringement problems with these people. Ever since I saw their advertisement I wanted a band named a Gutterhelmet. I think they should consider it an homage.

In case you couldn't pick it up just from the name, we're pretty heavy metal. Yep, we're angry about stuff. We wear flannel shirts even though we're not cold. Even our new clothes are ripped. We have lots of leather bits with buckles and straps 'cuz everyone knows that makes you pretty tough and stuff.

Our amps go to 11.

Don't provoke us or you just might end up getting dissed in one of our jams.

If you are not familiar with the game. It goes something like this.

My game came bundled with a front man that has alcohol/drug problems and a horde of skanky groupies. I'm well on my rehab.

What could be more rock and roll than that?

Clearly, I already rock, now I just need the star part.

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